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Deuxième album 14 titres de TimanFaya (dédicacé), sortie novembre 2022.
Vape Pen jetable OS Vape, 10'000 boufées, avec 20 mg de nicotine, Fruit mix.
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Fabricant : Milwaukee
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Control the pH of your tank/reservoir AUTOMATICALLY!
Control the pH of your tank/reservoir AUTOMATICALLY!
The MC122 pH controller and dosing pump (MP810) provides fully automated pH control of aqueous solutions in hydroponic systems.
It has been specifically designed to control the pH in mixing tanks for fertilization.
The small and precise flow of the peristaltic pump allows you to maintain ideal pH values in your tank.
After selecting the desired pH setting from 5.5 to 9.5 pH, the pH controller measures the pH value of the solution and automatically adds pH adjustment (acid or alkaline) to change the liquid’s pH to the selected level.
Calibration : pH 7 & 4 Buffer
CHF 79.00
CHF 130.00
CHF 75.00
CHF 45.00
CHF 45.00
CHF 60.00
CHF 110.00
CHF 110.00
CHF 190.00
CHF 2,600.00
CHF 120.00
CHF 69.00
CHF 69.00
CHF 109.00
CHF 95.00
CHF 229.00
CHF 210.00
CHF 160.00
CHF 59.00
CHF 59.00
CHF 290.00
CHF 130.00
CHF 29.00
CHF 29.00
CHF 65.00
CHF 4.00
CHF 6.00
CHF 80.00
CHF 39.00
CHF 99.00