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Deuxième album 14 titres de TimanFaya (dédicacé), sortie novembre 2022.
Vape Pen jetable OS Vape, 10'000 boufées, avec 20 mg de nicotine, Fruit mix.
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Une série innovante d’engrais liquides.
TERRA POWER GORGONA - POWER BLOOM is an innovative series of liquid fertilizers whose effectiveness has been proven in many years of scientific and production trials, as well as in practice, when growing vegetables, flowers and plants medicinal plants in open and closed hydroponic systems.
GORGONA - POWER BLOOM A is a liquid NPK fertilizer, part of the two-component hydroponic system GORGONA - POWER BLOOM A+B. The nutrient solution is buffered in optimal limits, so you can be assured that it will not distort the soil’s pH.
NPK - 5.7 - 0 - 11; CaO - 2%, Total N - 5.7%, Nitric N - 5.2%, Amidic N - 0.5%; Complexing agent: lignosulphonate. Microelements: Fe - 0.1%, Mn - 0.05%, Cu - 0.012%, Zn - 0.015%, Mo - 0.002%, Co - 0.0007%, B - 0.06%
It should always be used along with GORGONA - POWER BLOOM B in a quantity of 2 ml/L. Components A and B of the series should not be mixed in advance, but should be added to the water for the preparation of the nutrient solution.
GORGONA - POWER BLOOM B is a liquid NPK fertilizer, part of the two-component hydroponic system GORGONA - POWER BLOOM A+B.
NPK - 3 - 7 - 8.5; MgO - 1.5%, Total N - 3%, Nitric N - 1.9%, Amidic N - 1.1%; Complexing agent: lignosulphonate. The nutrient solution is buffered in optimal limits, so you can be assured that it will not distort the soil’s pH.
It should always be used along with GORGONA - POWER BLOOM A in a quantity of 2 ml/L. Components A and B of the series should not be mixed in advance, but should be added to the water for the preparation of the nutrient solution.
CHF 8.00