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Zweites Album 14 Titel von TimanFaya (signiert), veröffentlicht im November 2022.
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Hersteller : Hydropassion
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Increases the yield of your plants.
Increases the yield of your plants
Liquid Ocean is developed from natural marine algae extracts (Ascophylum nodosum) with a wealth of natural hormones (auxins, cytokinins and gibberellins). Liquid Ocean is a remarkable growth bio-stimulator and bio-activator which encourages the development of buds and leaves.
The product can be applied by foliar spraying and watering (root intake). It also increases chlorophyll levels (photosynthesis) and activates natural defences against fungi and bacteria through its betaine and oligosaccharide contents. This is why it balances the metabolism of plants subject to stress or phytotoxic effects.
The PK elements, especially the potassium contained in Liquid Ocean, play a major role in producing, transporting and storing sugars in the plant. It encourages photosynthesis and intervenes in the acid-alkaline balance of cells. It thus regulates the intercellular exchanges and boosts the plant in its resistance to drought and disease, particularly cryptogamic diseases.
CHF 13.00
CHF 7.00