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Zweites Album 14 Titel von TimanFaya (signiert), veröffentlicht im November 2022.
ELFBAR Einweg Vape Pen mit 20 mg Nikotin, 1500 Züge.
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Hersteller : Phytolite
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Der Swing ist ein ntzliches Zubehr für unsere LED Quantum GX 100.
The Swing is a useful accessory for our Quantum GX 100 LED. With the Swing, the GX 100 is transformed into an efficient, attractive lighting system adapted to indoor growing, suitable for use during processes of germination and rooting of cuttings and growing aromatics and other plants for culinary use.
The vertical rod embedded in the base allows the height of the lighting unit to be adjusted, also making it possible to grow short-stemmed and medium-sized plants, while the horizontal arm also allows the depth positioning to be adjusted.
The solid base houses standard ceramic or plastic plant pots or holders fitted with small hydroponic systems.
Thanks to its attractive design, it looks great in kitchens and any other household or office environment.
Swing is made of solid tempered steel and stove painted.
* The Swing can be exclusively adapted to out Quantum GX 100 professional line of LEDs.
CHF 889.00
CHF 1,190.00
CHF 569.00
CHF 429.00
CHF 29.00
CHF 25.00
CHF 19.00
CHF 449.00
CHF 38.00
CHF 19.00
CHF 29.00
CHF 22.00
CHF 32.00
CHF 55.00
CHF 55.00
CHF 125.00
CHF 135.00
CHF 155.00
CHF 8.00
CHF 8.00
CHF 8.00
CHF 590.00
CHF 890.00
CHF 12.00
CHF 1,090.00
CHF 119.00
CHF 200.00
CHF 119.00
CHF 1,350.00
CHF 730.00