AN OG Organics Ancient Earth

Manufacturer : Advanced Nutrients

34 Items in stock

Reap the benefits of nature’s long held wisdom.

CHF 18.00

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AN OG Organics Ancient Earth

Reap the benefits of nature’s long held wisdom with OG Organics™ Ancient Earth®.

We engineered this soil amendment by tapping into the power of leonardite, a rare source of organic material that’s nourished the earth for millions of years. Leonardite features a robust range of long chain and short chain humic acids which condition your growing medium and improve nutrient uptake.

When you put this certified organic input to work in your garden, you’ll build a rich, vibrant root zone that soaks up crucial nutrition—the secret behind maximizing yields.

  • Improves fertility of the growing medium and nourishes beneficial microbes
  • Fortifies the root zone, increasing its growth, reach, and vitality

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