Bcuzz Janeco Light Mix

Manufacturer : Atami

14 Items in stock

Atami Janeco-Lightmix is an ideal base substrate in which almost every crop can be grown.

CHF 16.00

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Bcuzz Janeco Light Mix

Atami Janeco-Lightmix is an ideal base substrate in which almost every crop can be grown.

The lightly fertilized earth has the advantage that the somewhat ‘more difficult’ plants will not become over-fertilized quickly.

In addition to having a light dose of fertilizer, Atami Janeco-Lightmix also contains perlite, making the substrate sufficiently airy and also creating an optimum water management.

When growing on Atami Janeco-Lightmix there is sufficient nutrition available for the start-up phase. After this period Atami advises to add liquid fertilizer to the crop for optimal results. Atami Janeco-Lightmix is an ideal substrate for cuttings/clones.

  • Airy structure
  • Lightly fertilized
  • Improves water management
  • Suitable for seedlings and cuttings

Composition : tourbe de sphaigne, tourbe blonde de sphaignes. perlite, chaux dolomitique et engrais CE NPK 12-14-24

Matière sèche sur produit brut (MS) : 40%

Matière Organique (MO) : 80% de MS

Conductivité (1/5) : 39 mS/m

Capacité de rétention de l'eau : 1260 ml/l

pH (H2O) : 5.2 - 6.2

EC : 1.0 - 1.25

Chlore (Cl) : 10 mg/l de substrat

Masse nette : 13.0 kg

Volume : 50 lt

1.3 kg par m3 d'un engrais NPK 12-14-24

Tourbe de sphaignes originaire des Pays Baltes


  • 20 lt
  • 50 lt
  • Palette = 70 x 50 lt

Atami Bcuzz Janeco Light Mix

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Atami Bcuzz Janeco Light Mix

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